Sunday, 14 February 2010

A-Z of Global Warming

Get the facts, based on the latest science, and cut through the confusion on all the issues surrounding global warming: Buy The A-Z of Global Warming book... out now on Amazon/Waterstones/Blackwells.

NASA and Global Warming Science

Cut straight through the smoke and mirrors of climate change and check out the facts at NASA... the graph showing Global Land- Ocean Temperature Index clearly shows the warming trend that has occurred since 1880, and confirms 2009 as the second hottest year on record..... at the same time as solar activity was at its lowest as the sun dwells in deep solar minimum with low sun-spot activity.

Quote Used To Discredit Climate Scientist is Fabricated

Sir John Houghton, eminent climate scientist and author of Global Warming: The Complete Briefing, is alleged to have "sexed up" scare stories on global warming by saying "Unless we announce disasters, no one will listen,"

He denies ever saying this, and according to another author and climate skeptic Christopher Booker, Houghton was supposed to have stated this in his own book, which was first published in 1994. The comment does not appear in Houghton's book however, or the later edition, and he denies ever saying it... Seems to be a case of climate skeptics jumping on false comments to support their own skeptical agenda.