Tuesday, 28 September 2010

PanSTARRS Telescope Discovers Near Earth Asteroid

The newly operational PanSTARRS Telescope has discovered an asteroid which will come within 4 million miles of Earth in mid October. The asteroid, some 150 feet in diameter was only discovered on September 16th, a bit worrying considering the telescope has only been operational since June 2010

Sunday, 26 September 2010

SpaceGuard Near Earth Object Watch

Spaceguard is the UK's only facility which looks out for asteroids or comets which have the potential to end all civilization on planet Earth. Take a look at the video, and visit the Centre based in Wales, UK.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Arctic Sea Ice Loss

This year's Arctic summer ice melt was rapid, but didn't beat 2007s record loss, scientists' at the National Snow and ice Data find. The ice is now re-freezing for the winter season.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Earth Reminded of Asteroid Threat

Astronomers picked up two near Earth asteroids only days before they passed Earth on Wednesday 9th September, one only 50,000 miles away, around one fifth of the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Global Catastrophe Follows If Next Climate Summit Fails.

The next round of climate talks are due to take place in Cancun, after the failiure of the Copenhagen talks, as scientists predict the world will warm by a potentially dangerous 3.5 degrees by the end of the century, 1.5 degrees over the 'safe' limit.

"A month ago, in its annual State of the Climate report, published in conjunction with the UK Met Office's Hadley Centre, America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) listed 10 separate indicators of a warming planet, seven of them rising – ranging from air temperature over land and humidity to sea level – and three of them declining: Arctic sea-ice, glaciers, and spring snow cover. "The scientific evidence that our world is warming is unmistakable," NOAA said.