Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Global Warming News

NASA's CO2 mapping satellite fails to make orbit and ends in disaster, setting back ability to accurately measure world CO2 levels.... read more.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Global Warming News

Scientists reveal pace of global warming now much faster than first thought as feedback mechanisms kick into place as higher co2 levels, cause higher temperatures,which in turn cause greater melting in the permafrost, which in turn releases more co2 and so on....

UK to embrace nuclear power in effort to reduce relliance of fossil fuels.... your questions answered here...

Monday, 16 February 2009

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Global Warming News

Whats new this week?

well, Melbourne thermometers topped 43C (109.4F) on a third successive day for the first time on record as Australia continues to swelter under record temperatures believed to be caused by global warming... read more;

Brazil's rainforest is razed to allow cattle to graze in order for Brazil to expand it's beef export desires... read more;