Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Light Emitting Walls to Replace Lightbulbs

A welsh company has developed technology to enable special paint or wallpaper to be used which will emit light similar to sunlight from any wall/flat surface within the house, powered by battery or solar pannels. Such technology could reduce carbon emissions considerably if it replaces conventional lighting.

Friday, 25 December 2009

Climate Change - 2009 Review

Take a look back at 2009 to see what has or hasn't been achieved in relation to climate change and global warming. Whilst it's clearly been a pretty chilly xmas for most of us, 2010 promises to heat up with perhaps the warmest year globally since record began... lets see.

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Copenhagen: Agreement Reached, No Final Deal

The meeting is over, but no final legally binding treaty has been reached. At present there is no agreement which will ensure global temperatures do not exceed 2 degrees Celsius, considered to be the point at which dangerous climactic changes could occur
In a nutshell "The deal sets an end-January 2010 deadline for all nations to submit plans for curbs on emissions to the United Nations. A separate text proposes an end-2010 deadline for reporting back on - but dropped a plan to insist on a legally binding treaty."

Monday, 14 December 2009

Copenhagen Talks Go Cold

Developing nations walked out of the climate change talks earlier today over fear that developed nations were trying to dodge their agreement enshrined in the Kyoto Protocol. Talks however have now resumed, with only a few days left to thrash out a legally binding agreement.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Global Warming Science Not Faked

An inquiry into the leaked e-mails recently which purportedly undermined the science of global warming reveals that the science and facts surrounding man-made global warming are indeed real, and the science supporting it remains intact.

UK Met Office Predict 2010 Hottest Year On Record

Climate change sceptics may have to eat humble pie, if the UK met office predictions that 2010 will be the hottest year since records began, come true. 1998, along with 2005 are currently the hottest years on record.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

UK Met Office To Release Climate Data

UK's Met Office to release records from land and ocean based temperature readings which proves 0.7 degree Celsius rise over the last 100 years to counter arguments raised by sceptics over the recent e-mail leak scandal.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

September 2009 is 2nd Warmest On Record Since 1880.

September 2009 was the second warmest September on record for combined global land and ocean surface temperatures since records began in 1880, 2005 remains the hottest so far.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

800,000 Journey Through Earth's Climate History

Take a journey through 800,000 years of climate change and judge for yourself whether the science is reliable or not... the graph and science behind it confirm without doubt that co2 levels are higher than at any time in the last 800,000 years, and the only consequence of this will be higher temps.

Monday, 30 November 2009

7 Days Until Copenhagen Conference

Only 7 days until more than 15,000 delegates and diplomats gather at the global warming meeting in Denmark to try and thrash out a deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol when it expires in 2012

Amazon Nations Require Rich to Preserve Rainforest

Nine nations from the Amazon region request that rich nations should pay for preservation of the Amazon forest, to prevent rainforest loss and consequently CO2 emissions. Brazil has already reduced rainforest destruction by 45% this year

Friday, 27 November 2009

2010 to be Hottest on Record

The UK Met Office says that 2010 is set to become the hottest on record, above that of 1998, which was boosted by a strong El Nino effect. The hottest years on record remain 1998, jointly with 2005.

Countries Emission Cuts Pledges

Various countries provide their emission cuts as Copenhagen approaches. USA agrees 17% cut from 1990 levels, but this only really equates to a 4% cut if calculated using "accepted" and other countries calculations!

Monday, 23 November 2009

Global Warming Science Alarming

Experts are becoming alarmed at the science now underpining climate change, following what they say, are clear patterns emerging in the world's weather systems, although no single weather event can be said to be caused by climate change per se.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

World Heading For 6 Degree Temp Rise

Scientist's worst fears appear to becoming reality, as leading scientist's reveal that the planet is heading for a 6 degree Celsius rise by the end of the century. Such a rise, caused by positive feedback mechanisms as higher levels of greenhouse gases and CO2 trap more heat in, would cause a cataclysmic for all life on planet Earth.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Greenland Melt Accelerating

The rate of ice loss on the continent of Greenland is accelerating, adding to sea level increase. Evidence for this comes from NASA's Grace satellite, monitoring the situation. If Greenland lost all it's ice, sea levels would rise by a cataclysmic 7 metres globally.

Amazon Deforestation Down

Amazon rainforest deforestation drops by 45%, and is lowest on record, extremely good news as far as global warming is concerned, bearing in mind the amount of CO2 the Amazon absorbs through photosynthesis. Brazil is looking for an 80% reduction in deforestation by 2020.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

UK Rules Out Deal At Copenhagen

With less than a month to go before the Copenhagen climate summit, most major powers are too far apart to agree any form of legally binding climate treaty. A further 50 billion tonnes of CO2 will be pumped into the atmosphere before the next major summit schedule for Mexico city in December 2010.

Nuclear Power Stations Fastracked

The UK government is to fastrack the building of many more nuclear power stations to obtain clean energy, in its bid to combat climate change.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

No Snows of Kilimanjaro

Ice cores reveal that melting on the mountain is unprecedented in the last 12,000 years, and the ice cap could be gone within 20 years. The thining is even faster than when a 300-year drought took hold some 4,200 years ago.

Al Gore

Is accused of becoming the first carbon billionaire as he launches his follow up book to An Inconvenient Truth, Our Choice.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Study Reveals Meat Causes half of all Greenhouse Gases

A new study reveals that emissions caused by raising livestock are actually 51% not 18% as previously thought. This means that by reducing the amount of meat we all eat, could have a greater effect on global warming than trying to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources!

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

17 Tweaks to Limit Climate Change

If Americans made 17 simple tweaks to the way they led their lives, then they could cut greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of Frances total annual emissions, a study has found.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Climate Change Map Paints Bleak Picture

A new map reveals how global warming will affect the globe as temperatures are predicted to rise by as much as 4 degrees average by 2060. This translates to a possible 16 degree C rise in the Arctic. This means less water, more forest fires, total meting of the Arctic Summer Ice, and flooding of low lying levels ispredicted as sea levels rise. Click link to view map.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Arctic's Baffin Island Starts to Melt!

Baffin Island, the largest island in the Arctic Canadian Archipelago, reveals from it's sediment that it is undergoing a major warming trend, probably as a result of global warming.

As part of a 21,000-year cycle, ( Milankovitch Cycles ),the Arctic has been receiving less summertime energy from the Sun over the last 8,000 years because of a well-established "wobble" in the Earth's solar rotation – the Earth is now 0.6 million miles further away from the Sun during the Arctic summer than it some 2000 years ago. Despite this, the area is warming up, as proven from the sediment cores taken from the bottom of the lake. Further proof, that warming is in fact taking place at an unprecedented level.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Climate Change Protestors Arrested

80 protestors are arrested as they protest outside Nottinghamshire coal-fired power station.

World Must Act by 2014

UK prime minister gives his view on global warming, with only 50 days left to Copenhagen climate chaange conference. Unless a strict agreement on emissions is in place by 2014, it could be too later to stop runaway global warming, report reveals..

Thursday, 15 October 2009

A-Z of Global Warming

Get all the information you need from the A-Z of Global Warming book, out now. From the Amazon, Biofuels, Carbon Dioxide, to the Weather, Hurricanes, Extinction and what You Can Do To Help...all chapters set out in unique A-Z format, explaining in layman's terms the essential facts about global warming and climate change.

Arctic Summer Ice Gone in a Decade?

Latest Arctic surveys suggest Arctic summer ice could be gone in a decade, certainly within twenty years as global warming caused by higher levels of greenhouse gases melts the sea ice. This will allow possible commercial shipping routes to open up along the fabled Northwest passage and the plunder of the Arctic's riches... eventually leading to more warming perhaps.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Nasa to conduct Antarctic survey

Nasa is about to conduct an extensive survey of Antartica which will reveal the true effects of global warming on the continent to determine how sea levels will be affected in the future......

Friday, 2 October 2009

Grim predictions as 6.3 degree F temp rise forcast

It seems that the world is heading for a 6.3 F degree rise in temperature by the end of the century, even if the most stringent cuts are put in place in Copenhagen in December...

Friday, 25 September 2009

Arctic/Antarctic Melting

New evidence from satellites using the latest laser technology shows Greenland and Antarcitca to melting at an increasing rate. Meltwater from these land based galciers, will increase sea levels....

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

China To Agree Emissions Reductions

The Worlds largest emitter of CO2 is ready to reduce emissions and agree new climate deal, laying down challenge for USA....

Point of No Return? Inportance of Copenhagen

Professor Anderson talks about the importance of the Climate Change summit in Copenhagen.....

A taste of things to come?

Thick dust storms "red" out Sydney as freak weather hits country....

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Slowdown in Arctic ice melt

2009 reveals a slowdown in Arctic ice melt over previous two years, but is this just a temporary blip...?

Friday, 18 September 2009

Bill Gates in bid to control hurricanes

Bill Gates invests in plan to reduce Hurricane strength by reducing surface ocean temperatures....

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Fabled North-East Passage now navigable

The fabled North-East passage has become navigable for the first time in 100's of years, but Arctic sea ice is still some 900,000 km2 above 2007 Artic summer melt record, suggesting that it would have been possible to navigate the waterway in 2007 if someone had tried...?

Latest Arctic Sea loss data

The latest Artic Sea loss figures show that Artic Sea ice is at it's third lowest on record, but still some 900,000 km2 more than the lowest, set in August 2007...

Friday, 11 September 2009

World heads toward climate abyss says UN Chief

Ban Ki Moon, clearly concerned after his visit to the Arctic makes his thoughts heard in preparation for December climate conference

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Geo-engineering projects given serious consideration

The Royal society consider Geo-engneering projects as a viable Plan B in fight against climate change...

Greenland to prosper as it's ice melts?

As Greenland's glaciers melt into the sea, raising sea levels, the continent of Greenland actually rises as the weight of the ice is released. Untold riches could lie underneath, waitng for the Greenlanders to exploit....

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Warming Arctic triggers methane gas release

A warming Arctic is triggering methane gas to be relased from it's previously frozen and stabe state as warmer waters trigger its release. Each molecule of methane is twenty times more powerful than CO2 when talking about it's greenhouse gas warming potential...

Heavier Rainstorms now linked to global warming

Global warming will increase the intensity as a warmer atmosphere is able to retain more water vapour.

World's oceans warm

The worlds oceans are now the warmest on record and a full degree above 20th Century average temperatures..

Monday, 17 August 2009

Antarctic glaciers melting

The Pine Island glacier in Antartica seems to be melting at an unprecedented rate, despite global warming skeptics suggesting that Antartica is unaffected by global warming. The melting of Pine Island, will increase sea levels as it melts, listen to the video...

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Global Warming mitigation

Ships that spout sea water from the ocean in order to form clouds to reflect sunlight in order to cool the ocean could work, scientists say..

Glaciers melt as global warming takes hold

Three glaciers that have been monitored by the US Geological Survey prove to have been melting since 1958 as a result of Global Warming...

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Arctic Tundra releasing methane as area warms

The Arctic Tundra is warming resulting in increased growth of plants and weeds, resulting in darker heat absorbing areas, which will further warm and release greater amounts of global warming greenhouse gases, especially methane... read more.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

G8 agree 80% CO2 emission cuts

The G8 Countries have agreed to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 80% by 2050 and for India and China to cut their emissions by 50% in an effort to keep temperatures from rising above 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial, a figure which may cause dangerous climate change.... is it too late though..?

96 months to save the planet

According to the UK's Prince Charles we only have 96 months left to save the planet from economic and environmental collapse.....

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Amazon Rainforest threat

The Amazon could lose as much as 40% of it's rainforest if tempratures increase to 2degrees above pre-industrial.... temperature has already increased by .74 degrees Celsius over the last 100 years....

Permafrost Problem

Scientists have doubled their estimates of the amount of carbon dioxide trapped within the permafrost which will escape as warming causes the permafrost in Northern latitudes to melt....

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Missing sunspots will return!

Scientists, alarmed at the suns lack of sunspots of late seem to have discovered why the sun has been so inactive, when it should have been entering a period of sunspot activity... the sunspots and hence an increase in solar activity is set to return... .

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Climate catastrophe getting closer...

Scientists reveal in new report 6 months before December Copenhagen climate conference.... read more.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Global Warming weekly update

UK's Hadley Centre predicts "frightening" temperature incresases for the UK as global warming kicks in. Summer temperatures will be upto 10 degrees C warmer by 2080 with heavier rainfall in the winter.... read more.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Global Warming weekly update

Climate zones will shift as world gets warmer...

Scientists now able to link carbon emissions directly to global warming. To limit warming to a 2 degree Celsius rise above pre-industrial, carbon emissions must be limited from now until forever to half a trillion tonnes of carbon, about the amount emitted since the start of the industrial revolution until now..

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Six years left for GHGas emissions to peak, or World faces ruin

Unless emissions of Greenhouse gases peak by 2015 and then start to drop, it may not be possible to prevent a greater than 2 degrees Celsius rise in temperature creating unmanageable climate risks, top scientists warn... watch video.

Arctic thaw poses huge timebomb

Melting Arctic tundra poses long term timebomb as escaping methane is released into the atmosphere....

Climate crisis poses equal threat to nuclear arms race

Scientists call on world leaders to take action over global warming as they warn that the threat posed is equal to that of the nuclear arms race...

Climate talks

Special climate talks underway to try and thrash out incredibly complex issues before Copenhagen meeting in December...

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

New Websites

Gadgets will fuels Global Warming

The amount of gadgets plugged in by 2030 will require the equivalent of 200 new nuclear power stations to power more.

Worlds largets wind farm gets green light

The London Array windfarm, the worlds largest gets go ahead... read more

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Climate Chaos by 2020...?

Scientists predict climate chaos as early as 2020 if greenhouse gas/co2levels continue to rise. Currently CO2 levels stand at 385 ppm (parts per million) and are rising at around 1.5 ppm each year. World temps have already increased by 0.74 C since pre industrial times.... CO2 levels at 400 ppm, will it is believed push temps upto 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels, at which point dangerous climate consequences may occur...time is running out..

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

The Sun and Global Warming

The Sun should be coming out of it's cooler period within it's current 11 year solar cycle. During 11 year solar cycles the Sun goes through it's solar maximum and solar minimum periods (increased and decreased levels of solar activity). Scientists are baffled however, as the Sun doesn't appear to be getting warmer at present, when all predictions indicated that it should be. The last solar maximum was between 2000-2002( cycle 23 ). 2005 however, was still the warmest recorded year since the 1880's according to NASA.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

UK gets go ahead for new coal fired power stations- disaster or not?

The government has given the green light for new coal fired power stations, which will have carbon capture and storage technology retro-fitted... but what if it doesn't work? Could spell disaster for the U.K's committment to reduce CO2 emissions.. read more

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Antarctica melting?

Antarctica it seems has grown a little scientists state, but this is only because the hole in the ozone layer, which is slowly getting smaller has delayed the effects of higher greenhouse gas levels... unlike the situation in the Arctic

Earth Day- Frog men hit London!

Frogmen march around London to raise awareness for the environment for Earth Day- 22 April 2009....

Melting Arctic

Click the link to NSIDC for the latest information on the Arctic as it approaches the 2009 melt season....

Friday, 10 April 2009

Wilkins Antarctic Ice shelf collapses

Antarctica's Wilkins Ice shelf has collapsed, suggesting unstoppable warming now taking place in the Antarctic...

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Global Warming gifts

Purchase unique global warming gifts, coasters, aprons, post cards, stickers etc and 10% will be donated to global warming organisations/charities.

Carbon Capture and Storage

A possible solution to coal fire power plants may have been found as a safe method of storing CO2 is discovered by scientists...

Arctic melting

Arctic could be ice free during the summer within 11 years, say clmate scientists. The end of this years Arctic summer melt, in or around September will determine whether matters are in fact getting worse or not...

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Antartica Melting?

Scientists say that the West Antarctic ice sheet may take upto 1000 years to melt, which is good news...sort of, but it has collapsed before when CO2 levels reached 400 ppm in the atmosphere. This is a bit of a worry, as what the article doesn't mention is that CO2 levels are already at 385 ppm, up from 315 ppm since accurate measurements began in 1958. CO2 levels are rising at an average of around 1.5 ppm a year, which means 400 ppm could be reached in just 7 years time....What will happen to the ice sheet then, as this level of CO2 will surely bring with it an increase in sea temperature....?

As for Polar bears, which live in the Arctic, not the Antarctic, they appear to be getting smaller. The melting ice cap there, means they can't catch as much food as they used too, which is affecting their weight...

Friday, 20 March 2009

Antarctica melting?

This article refers to the potential collapse of the Wilkins Ice Shelf in Antartica, which may melt once CO2 levels get to 400 parts per million, a level that may be reached by 2050. This may be the best case scenario however as CO2 levels now stand at 385 ppm, and are increasing at around 1.7-2.3 ppm per year approx, meaning 400 ppm could be reached by 2017.... much sooner than suggested..?

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Latest Global Warming News

Lord Stern admits that his Stern Review on The Economics of Climate Change report may have underestimated the more

Al Gore hopeful that new climate change deal will be reached in Copenhagen later this more

World water shortage will become a serious problem by more

Finally...10 unlikely ways to save the world as climate change more

Monday, 9 March 2009

Global Warming News

Future looks bleak for all of us as latest super computer forecast suggests that there is little better than a 50/50 chance of keeping world temperatures below disastrous thresholds of + 2 degrees above pre-industrial age, even if unprecedented reductions in Co2 levels are made immediately. World temperatures have already increased by 0.75 degrees since pre-industrial times. An increase of 2 degrees will have serious consequences for all of humanity... read more

Global Warming News

Future looks bleak for all of us as latest super computer

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Global Warming News

NASA's CO2 mapping satellite fails to make orbit and ends in disaster, setting back ability to accurately measure world CO2 levels.... read more.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Global Warming News

Scientists reveal pace of global warming now much faster than first thought as feedback mechanisms kick into place as higher co2 levels, cause higher temperatures,which in turn cause greater melting in the permafrost, which in turn releases more co2 and so on....

UK to embrace nuclear power in effort to reduce relliance of fossil fuels.... your questions answered here...

Monday, 16 February 2009

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Global Warming News

Whats new this week?

well, Melbourne thermometers topped 43C (109.4F) on a third successive day for the first time on record as Australia continues to swelter under record temperatures believed to be caused by global warming... read more;

Brazil's rainforest is razed to allow cattle to graze in order for Brazil to expand it's beef export desires... read more;

Friday, 23 January 2009

Antarctica, now officially warming.

Scientists now confirm that Antarctica is also now officially warming, records from 1957 to present day more.

Wilkins Ice shelf about to collapse- watch video.

The Wilkins ice shelf in Antartica is literally hanging on a thread... now only 500 metres connects it to the Antarctic Peninsular.... watch this video to learn more..

Saturday, 17 January 2009

New Runway- No Way, say Climate Change Activists

Climate change activists vow not to let a third runway open at London Heathrow, threatening to close the airport rather than let new runway get more.

ExxonMobil make dramatic climate change U-Turn

Oil company giant make dramatic announcement in favour of carbon tax to tackle global warming, effectively calling for a tax on its own more.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

What can be done to save the planet..? Ask the experts...

Climate change experts give their opinions on what can now be done to save planet Earth from the effects of global more

Friday, 9 January 2009

Under 1 year until largest Global Warming conference...

In less than one year, Copenhagen will be host to the largest climate change conference the world has ever seen.... will it be successful...? read more...

Sunday, 4 January 2009

A-Z of Global Warming gifts

Visit the above store for Global Warming gifts and contribute to global warming related organisations...

Geoengineering needed to avert climate disaster

Leading scientists agree that the only way now to avert the worst that global warming can throw at us will be for a "Geoengineering approach" to the problem of global warming that either reduces temperature or more...

Soot reduction could slow global warming.

NASA scientists believe cutting soot, one of humanities most common pollutants could have an immediate affect on global more..

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Have British scientists invented carbon neutral cement?

British scientists invent cement which absorbs more CO2 in the creation process than it produces...possible eliminating the 5% CO2 the industry adds to the atmosphere each more..

Humankind has 8 years left to avert climate disaster.

Humakind has only around 8 years left to avoid the worst affects of climate change. An effort the equivalent of putting man on the moon will be more..

NASA hunts for its rubber ducks...

NASA has lost it's rubber duckies.... NASA inserted 90 rubber ducks into melt-holes in the Greenland Ice sheet with a view to tracking how the ice is far they have failed to turn up..! read more...